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Uttlesford animal licence holders

Knowing if an individual or business that deals with animals is licnesed gives you confidence your animals are in good hands. We've republished a FOI that shows a snapshot of who held animal licenses.

Sadly the local council (Uttlesford) that FurryFlithcers operates in does not publish this data for members of the public to cross reference.

This means that as an indivudal you have to reach out to the council to ask if an individual of business holds a license. This is slow and cumbersome, and of course impairs people's ability to make good judgements.

Fortunately however this data is covered under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, this means the council are obliged to provide it on request. While it isn't as useful as a well maintained database made accessible to the public it does allow the public to get a snapshot of who is lisenced to care for animals.

We've made this FOI request and compiled the PDF (which you can download here) into a searchable database. We'll make this same request every year.

Article published on 13 December 2024


This databse is compiled from a response to a FOI to Uttlesford Council. It is a snapshot of licence holders at the time of the request. FurryFlitchers makes no gaurantees to its accuracy and recommends that if a licence holder is not in this list that you This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm.